Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hijab Opinions

So, you all know, that most of the time I don't ask for peoples opinions about my religious choice b/c it causes people to go off on huge tangents about the state of the world and the people in it and every other conceivable thing. HOWEVER, just this once ^_^, I would like you guys, ALL of you, to tell me in the comments:

1. What do you know personally about the hijab? In relation to Islam, politically, anything you've learned about it,from me or elsewhere.

2. What do you *think* about it? Positive, negative,both? Colors, styles, politics...Anything! Tell me how you feel.^_^ And BE HONEST. I won't get mad, as long as you promise not to get rude and obscene.^_^

3. I'm not currently wearing hijab. I have done so in the past. Some of you have never seen me without hijab and some of you have never seen me with it so, please tell me:What did you think when I started wearing hijab and/or how do you feel about my current choice not to wear it? I will elaborate on WHY, after I get a few comments on this.

4. ANYTHING ELSE you feel is pertinent to the discussion. Anything not listed already,questions you may have, anything at all. ^_^

This may be redundant for some of you. I know its a topic of much discussion between me and some of my friends. But, I'd really like to hear what my family and more distant friends have to say about it. All they ever do is stare at me and thats hardly an elaboration on their


Heather said...

I love hijab. I don't think that everyone has to wear it, nor should they. Wearing a religious covering of any kind is a personal choice that should be between that person and God. But I love it and it makes me feel good and more spiritually aware.

I am currently very happy that the cold weather hood I was issued bears a fun resemblance to hijab. What's even more funny is that a few of my buddies have commented that when I wear it I "look like an Iranian", lol! As none of them know about my blog and interest in Islam and Christianity and headcovering, well... I just smiled. : D

I love colors. Bright, beautiful colors that delight the eyes and lift my spirits on a hard day. Most of my scarves are brightly colored. I think that wearing all black, particularly with niqab, draws much more attention upon you in the US than wearing colorful versions of the same thing.

I love pink, purple, lime green, turquoise... the list goes on.

Writings on the wall said...


By the way good Posts!! about hijab's....

I started wearing the hijab 2 months ago. At first I would fight within myself thinking of how other people will see me as an "oppressed" female or I'm a "terrorist". My husband also doesn't like the Idea (he is from Pakistan). His family doesn't either...

In the end I finally realized that I WANT to wear it. WHY??

Because it is Sunnah.. I CHOOSE to wear NOONE obligates me. Reading the Qu'ran and talking to the mentor I have at my masjid in combination or my research I finally decided that I want to wear it permmanetly. I started my college semester 2 months ago so the very few people that saw me without it actually told me it "fits" me.. They didn't change the way they act around me :) I still have not worn it around my family since they are a bit uncomfortable with it or his family.. I told them that eventually I will wear it..

Main reason I wear..

I want to be more modest, have a closer relationship with Allah, I want people to focus on what I have to say then pay attention on how I'm dressed. I want my husband to be the only one to enjoy my "beauty"

I know I wrote a lot.. Hopefully this answers you're questions...

Mrs. Khan

Stephanie said...

1. What do you know personally about the hijab? Hijab is a word that means to veil for the purpose of modesty. It means to separate. When it is used in terms of clothing it is often referring to a scarf used to conceal hair, neck and chest. But it is also used when referring to one's modesty. I know in the middle east, a woman who wears a religious head covering is often called a muhegebah (sorry, transliteration sucks). Most Americans see the scarf as being a Muslim thing. But in reality it is a religious thing. Most of the world's religions encourage women to cover themselves, including their hair.

2. What do you *think* about it? I think it is marvelous. I wear hijab (scarf, long sleeves and skirts) as part of my devotions to God. I also enjoy the idea that the only people who see "me" 100% are the people I choose (my family, my friends, my husband). It is a sacrifice though. It comes with uncomfortable remarks from family and strangers, but often these remarks give me the chance to verbally show my devotion to God (although most people don't expect that, and usually stop talking to me after I mention God.) It can also be physically uncomfortable. I get over heated at work, often pushing my sleeves up or finding a private area to let my hair down for a while. And sometimes, despite my strong believe, I do get discouraged and frustrated with ignorance surrounding the head scarf. I hate that people think my husband makes me wear it. That is a true insult upon my husband, as he is a truly wonderful, kind, sacrificing man. And it is insulting to me. What? I don't have a mind of my own? I can't choose to do something on my own accord?

3. how do you feel about my current choice not to wear it? Well, it depends on why you don't wear it. I strongly believe that it is something that God has instructed believing women to do. So, if your reason is that you think it isn't something that God has instructed you to do, then I feel like not listening to you. (you said to be honest). I feel that people should not try to bend a religion to their own belief. And if you honestly think that it is not clearly stated in the Quran, again, I will stop listening to you. Because it is there, twice actually. God instructs us to cover ourselves. Now, how you go about doing that, that is your own business : ). Which leads me to this, if you choose not to wear a head scarf because you just don't see the point, then don't! If you do not feel that it protects your piety, or keeps you modest, or allows others to focus on your intelligence rather than your outward looks, then continue with not wearing it. It almost bothers me more when women wear a scarf and cover up, but don't even know why they do it.

4. ANYTHING ELSE: I do not feel that black is any more or less modest than pink, or green or any other color. And while I find some embellishments to be over the top, I do not find them any more or less modest (unless of course they are gold coins, then I would say tone it down, there are starving people downtown). What else.... (you may have opened a can of worms here).... I do not wear a head scarf among gatherings of my extended family, as I do not feel the need (nor do I have the strength) to deal with their misguided questions/concerns. So, this means, when I go to weddings or funerals of my family, I dress modestly, as always, minus the scarf. I feel bad inside, and I regret doing it, but I will continue to do it this way out of respect to my mom primarily.... If God sent us a message that we didn't have to wear a head scarf, I would take mine off right this minute. : ) But, then I might put it back on when people start acting inappropriately around me. Who knows... Ok, I think I am done.