Monday, November 1, 2010

Other places you can find me online! ^__^

You can also catch me on:

AIM:  TigerheartA
Windows Live Messenger:
You can also e-mail me at the above address if you wish.
I'm also on Youtube:
And of course, Facebook. Although, I warn you, if I don't already know you fairly well, I probably will not add you on FB. Its a little more personal than this. Reserved for good friends and family only. Not random internet strangers. Sorry. :(!/sarah.rouse2
No,btw, I do not give out my home address, cellphone or home phone number to strangers. Everybody that needs it already has it basically.

1 comment:

Heather said...

A wise precaution. I think blogs and e-mails should be enough unless you eventually decide you want to meet with someone. But it would have to be a public place not close to your house with a friend along for safety. : )