Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To English Varangian and those like him.

1. I am NOT an extremist.In fact, I am QUITE the opposite. I am actually what one could consider part of a reform movement in Islam.
"Liberal movements within Islam include Quranists who support western-value human rights and promote reinterpreting Islam as "a belief system committed to the liberal values of a democratic world"

So congratulations. You've successfully made an enemy of one of the very few Muslims that AGREES WITH YOU that the extremists need to go immediately. Good job, dumbass. Do you really think a white, American woman ,raised in a military family with a soldier for a husband would be some kind of backwards Wahhabi nutcase? Have you lost your mind?! You could've just asked instead of making a very stupid assumption.

2. You don't know WHAT it is I stand for because, as demonstrated above, you never bothered to ASK. Thats YOUR judgment error, NOT mine. I never said I agreed with everything TeDua posted, I merely stated that he had ALWAYS been polite to *me* and *my* friends and therefore I had no cause to dislike him on a personal level. We are merely friendly acquaintances.
That being said, I detest racism and stupidity of all kinds,which should be perfectly clear by NOW and I HAVE asked TeDua to be more respectful. I would like to warn you however that he is HARDLY the worst of the lot and is indeed mild compared to the extremists. THEY would've filled your channel with "Fuck you and you're going to Hell." while TeDua and I were a bit more tactful. Honestly its a little hard to not get angry when you've done NOTHING WRONG and some self-righteous Brit takes it upon himself to bother you incessantly.

3. I COULD explain to you WHY and HOW the Muslim world got to be the way it is in very logical terms, which you would probably agree with and find enlightening BUT, you don't seem interested.Instead it would seem you would rather make a fool of yourself and insult people.

So, until you're ready to hear the truth of the matter I would request that you take your bullshit elsewhere. Because I certainly have no interest in people playing  the victim whilst sitting with their fingers in their ears and pretending to be reasonable when they are NOT in the slightest.


tedua said...

i think you just knocked him out with some keng fu finishing move ! :D

Heather said...

Wow, is that dude being a pain again? I thought he went to go play in a road somewhere... : P Sorry he's being a jerk. : / Big hugs and lots of luvs to you!

Sarah said...

You got that right TeDua- Its called 'Logic and Intelligence'. The whole thing could've been avoided if he *had* any. I tried to tell him but *shrug* hes too busy being a butthurt crybaby to think rationally.

Heather- Yeah, hes been readin me and TeDuas funny little comments back and forth and getting pissy. "The evil terrorists are making fun of me! Wahhhhhh!" Its like, for the love of God, just go home and cry to your Mum already if you want to play the victim cause *we* certainly don't give a shit.

stasisgloryhole said...

Perhaps the conecpt of converting to a religion that has been increasingly violent & hostile towards Western cultures and women (Sharia Law)sparked this little conflict.

stasisgloryhole said...

Btw I am an ex-muslim from Bosnia and I live in England now.

stasisgloryhole said...

It could be that Tedua has a bad reputation & that by becoming friends you were seen as accepting his views & his behaviour.

Sarah said...


He started all this bullcrap BEFORE it was pointed out to him that I was a convert. And its already been established that TeDua has a bad reputation. lol Sorry TeDua but thats the facts. That was certainly the reason he started it. He was stalking TeDuas channel and saw him engaging in a friendly conversation and decided it was his duty to be extremely rude to me while mentioning that TeDua has such-and-so problems.

I told him up front that I didn't agree with TeDuas behaviour in that regard but that he had always been kind to me personally as well as to a few mutual Youtube friends we have so I have no cause to dislike him on a personal level. I also told him that he could say what he wanted but ultimately my choice of friends was no concern of his and that he should take his ridiculous channel and opinions elsewhere. ALL of this I said with the utmost politeness and civility.
But APPARENTLY he can't handle being told,"No. Go away." without acting like a jerk. He spammed my channel with insults while I was gone for a few hours,started spouting garbage on his channel,etc.
rofl He thinks that TeDua and I are some kind of extremist lunatics or something, which couldn't be any farther from the truth.

In summary, hes trying to 'fight the extremists' but not only does not know the difference between friends and enemies, he manages to be rude and disgusting to everyone else too. Personally, I think hes just out for some attention. Hes obviously not very mature.

Ex-Muslim eh? Why are you an ex-Muslim? I promise I won't hassle you. I'm just curious.^_^

"Perhaps the conecpt of converting to a religion that has been increasingly violent & hostile towards Western cultures and women (Sharia Law)sparked this little conflict."

Gotta be the change you want to see in the world. What better way to 'clean up the ummah' as it were than from the inside? Besides, Islam is amazing, once you filter out all the cultural crap.Problem is, most people don't even know that thats an option. -.-

tedua said...

btw where did you guys get the idea i have a bad reputation from !? Go ask any muslim or any person who knows me well about me and see. It's just peoples do not understand me well sometimes XD. And for this english weirdo,i have no hard feelings toward him,just if he had a problem with me why he went to annoy sarah? He should have come to my channel , hes not blocked, but he did not and he would not, he has a hidden aim which is just harassing converts to get them not beleiving in islam anymore. I can type pages about how evil he is, but i'm tired of him and i already said i left him for Allah.

Sarah said...

lol I'm just kidding TeDua. I think sometimes, people have a hard time understanding what it is you're saying and it comes across wrong. You prob. have the same thing where sometimes you don't understand people. *shrug* It happens.
If hes harassing converts ,he's picked the wrong person. And besides, he would NEVER say that stuff to my face.Hes just hiding behind his keyboard. Good thing too. 'Cause I'd knock him right on his ass. I don't tolerate that kind of nonsense.

stasisgloryhole said...

"I asked a valid question and no one cares to tell me about you... Anywa its been always a hot debate here about unity and all that jazz about your country, i dunno who is scottish people or who is walse-ish people,but i thinks it's quite strange you find people who want to be united with english who has a bad repuition around the world, those blood suckers ! Foxes in skin of humans, they betrayed us more then once, one with that damm deciever man called Lowrance of arabia." TeDua - that isn't hateful?!

TeDua said...

i do not know how you define the word "hate". i believe i have the right to expose your swindles to Arabs. i will never forgive you that. and please leave this girl do not have to convince her with anything. if you have a problem with me, unblock me, and visit my channel,..obviously you are not blocked there.